Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Road Map for Learning....

I am interested in using my biology class as a lens to teach my students how to learn and practice the skills needed to be a scientist. I've been thinking lately about creating "road maps" for the concepts of class. These road maps would help my students understand what they need to do to learn a concept. Along the road map would be different "stops"; i.e., vocabulary acquisition, content reading and understanding, learning laboratories, experimentation, and reflection. These stops are the different steps needed to understand a concept. At each of these stops, students would have several different options of assignments to complete. On these assignments I'd like to provide feedback, but not grades - these activities are formative assessments. Students may need to complete multiple activities at each stop along the road map if they are not understanding the material. Once a student understands a concept, the road map becomes the students "ticket" to assess out on a topic. There are still questions that I need to continue to think about:
1. What are the steps of learning?
2. Would these stops be the same for different concepts?
3. How much structure to provide in the road map?

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